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10 Top Imaging Radiology Blogs to Follow in 2022

Stay up to Date with News and Trends This Year

By Jennifer Larson, contributor

It’s a new year, and you may be looking for some new insights for your imaging career. If so, there is a growing selection of blogs for radiologists, sonographers and other imaging specialists to consider. These blog sites feature regular posts about technology advances, updates in professional guidelines, new innovations and other topics that medical imaging specialists will find useful.

Club Staffing is pleased to highlight 10 leading blogs worth following in 2022:

Imaging Technology News

The Imaging Technology News blog covers several emerging technology trends for medical imaging professionals, from the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and speech recognition to Cloud-based systems that can easily store and share patient’s images among providers.

The Dose

Landauer, a global provider of dosimetry services, maintains The Dose blog to provide industry and product information of interest to people specializing in dosimetry. The blog explores a number of topics, including COVID-19 resources for radiology departments, radiation safety rule compliance, and an ongoing series on the human side of dose monitoring.

Mammography Educators

If breast imaging is your passion and your professional area of expertise, then the Mammography Educators blog is the blog for you. You can dive into blog posts that focus on important mammography-related topics such as triangulation and tangential views, as well as issues such as calming the nerves of your anxious patients when you’re performing their mammograms.

Society of Breast Imaging

The Society of Breast Imaging blog is a must-read for mammographers and others with an interest in, yes, breast imaging. This blog tends to focus on newsy issues, so you can expect to stay abreast (no pun intended) on issues such as insurance coverage, new research, and legislation affecting mammography practice.

American Society of Neuroradiology

Want to keep up with the latest research and get summaries of recent journal articles about neuroradiology and related topics? Then the American Society of Neuroradiology blog should be on your must-read list. You might also be interested in the American Journal of Neuroradiology’s podcast.


Upon first glance, you might not suspect that you’d find information about the medical imaging industry on a website called AuntMinnie.com. But don’t bypass it, because you’ll miss out on a ton of news and useful discussions that could help you further your career. This comprehensive site for radiologists and other medical imaging professionals makes it easy to keep up with the latest findings and trends.

Iowa Radiology

The Iowa Radiology Blog was created 20 years ago by a group of diagnostic imaging professionals in, yes, the great state of Iowa. Since then, the authors of this blog have delved into the personal side of diagnostic care, while still taking care to stay updated on the technical side.


Cassling’s Ultrasound is a diagnostic imaging blog that you might want to check out so you can read more about advances in ultrasound technology, like the use of shear weave elastography (SWE) and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). You can also read blog posts that explore patient-care issues such as improving the ultrasound experience for patients, as well as posts that discuss how to reduce the pain and strain on the sonographer.

UCSF Radiology Blog

Another useful resource to add to your reading list is UCSF’s Department of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering Blog. Learn more about topics such as prostate-specific membrane antigen PET imaging, or PSMA PET, digital mammography, and hyperpolarized (HP) carbon-13 (13C) metabolic MRI in prostate cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy, with commentary from UCSF radiologists and other experts.

Everything Rad!

Interested in radiology? The Everything Rad! blog will bring you up to date on all sorts of trends and technology in diagnostic imaging. Delve into popular radiology topics and learn more about the influence of artificial intelligence and the future of medical imaging.

Club Staffing has thousands of career opportunities for traveling radiologists, sonographers, computed tomography techs, and other medical imaging professionals. Our short-term assignments allow you to choose when and where you work, and include competitive compensation, free housing and more.


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